
According to the Ministry of Health, about 2.8 million Russians live with a diagnosis of cancer, and the number of cases is by no means decreasing. Understanding the need to change this situation, Russian scientists and practitioners came close to creating a new generation of anticancer drug AstroMelanin, based on the latest technologies and produced from natural microorganisms of Antarctica. It has a powerful anticarcinogenic effect and is used to correct functional, organic, structural and biofield disorders that occur during oncology.

High cytotoxicity against human tumor cells, such as breast cancer cells lines HS 578 T MSF 7, MDA, MDAH 231, colon cancer HT-29, melanoma MS, ovarian cancer, lung cancer, gastric adenocarcinoma and human leukemia.

When treating patients with an extremely unfavorable oncological prognosis, it was possible to achieve complete clinical recovery and return to a normal lifestyle.

AstroMelanin opens up a fundamentally new direction in the treatment of cancer patients. AstroMelanin is characterized by an intense anti-radical action that stops an avalanche of labial free radicals that damage healthy cells and tissues of a diseased organism. This property is inherent in the very structure of AstroMelanin. This makes it possible to use AstroMelanin for the correction of disorders underlying free-radical pathologies, which, in particular, is a tumor process. First of all, for the treatment and prevention of relapses and metastases in cancer patients after radical treatment, prevention of malignant neoplasms in borderline forms of diseases and the same purpose in families with a high oncological risk.

Experience of treatment with “AstroMelanin” oncological patients-volunteers.

A number of patients-volunteers with an extremely unfavorable oncological prognosis with the help of “AstroMelanin” managed to achieve a complete clinical recovery. A powerful analgesic effect found in patients in the terminal stage.


Patient I., born in 1932, doctor. Melanoma of the skin of the anterior chest wall, nodular form IV st. invasion according to Clark, 8 mm. Excision of education 24.06.94. He refused chemotherapy. I started taking AstroMelanin inside immediately after the operation, simultaneously with the application of a wet gauze bandage with Astromelanin on the surgical suture. Currently healthy. She still takes AstroMelanin, in very small (trace) amounts (~1-2 mg per day).

Patient G., born in 1961. Squamous cell lung cancer, pneumoectomy on the left, after chemotherapy and irradiation, recurrent metastasis of lung cancer into the soft tissues of the chest, keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma, radiation pathomorphosis. After the 3rd operation for excision of tumor nodes (operational period with lymphorrhea and suppuration of the wound) and discharge, he began to take AstroMelanin inside and apply a bandage with AstroMelanin to the wound, which then quickly cleared and healed. So far, no recurrence. A patient with stage III operated rectal cancer also lives without recurrence. (poorly differentiated rectal cancer with germination of all layers of the intestinal wall into regional lymph nodes). Operation 09/13/94, he immediately began to take AstroMelanin. Alive, working hard. A patient with stage III rectal cancer is also alive, operated in 1995. AstroMelanin was taken shortly after the operation. The patient refused surgery, chemotherapy and radiation and only drank AstroMelanin in September-October 1995. She is alive, refuses to be re-examined. There are other examples as well. Some patients came to us in an extremely serious, completely hopeless condition, with a predicted life expectancy of less than a month and even within a week.

We could already talk only about symptomatic treatment, about the correction of complications associated with previous tumor treatment, as a rule, unsuccessful, or an attempt to eliminate especially painful manifestations and complications of the tumor process itself. With such advanced cases of cancer, Astromelanin therapy slowed down their course (negative dynamics), partially suspended or eliminated a number of manifestations of pathological processes.

An important thing that was found in the treatment of such patients is the powerful analgesic effect of AstroMelanin, when at the terminal stage with multiple metastasis, previously unbearable pain that required the constant use of narcotic drugs completely disappeared 3-20 days after the start of melanotherapy, and the patients refused drugs. Moreover, it was noticed that with the advance use of the drug, pain did not occur at all.

Thus, AstroMelanin either helps radically, when it is still possible, or significantly improves the quality of life of a doomed patient.