Intensive anti-radical action is inherent in the very structure of AstroMelanin.

Intensive anti-radical action, which stops the avalanche of labile free radicals that damage healthy cells and tissues of a diseased organism, is inherent in the very structure of AstroMelanin. This makes it possible to use AstroMelanin for the correction of disorders underlying free-radical pathologies, which, in particular, is a tumor process. First of all, for the treatment and prevention of relapses and metastases in cancer patients after radical treatment, the prevention of malignant neoplasms in borderline forms of diseases and the same goal in families with a high oncological risk, as well as for the prevention and correction of disorders in people who stay for a long time in conditions of increased background radiation (this also applies, for example, to the flight crew).

The antiradical activity of AstroMelanin is due to the presence in its molecules of stable free radicals in very high concentrations, which act as traps for labile free radicals, which invariably arise in a number of processes like an avalanche, with induced pathological cell growth.

It was also found that AstroMelanin quickly scars ulcers in gastric and duodenal ulcers, restores, as ultrasound shows, the structure of the liver, kidneys and pancreas.